Mission Kitchen



The Customer 

Mission Kitchen offers a new ‘one-of-a kind’  shared workspace including commercial kitchens and co-working spaces, built to support independent food and drink businesses.  They also host food-related events including panel discussions, talks, workshops, and tastings.


The Challenge

Mission Kitchen approached TFME requesting specialist PR support with a one-day event they were hosting titled the ‘Future of Fish’.  TFME was tasked with driving footfall to the event to ensure it was a sell-out, stimulating coverage of the conference pre-event, on the day, and post-event (both via traditional PR and social media), and securing key speakers.

In addition, The Food Marketing Experts was responsible for liaising with attendees to secure testimonials and of course, the agency produced a thorough and comprehensive post-event evaluation document.

What We Did

  • Issued trade press release to key media contacts to incite interest in the event / encourage ticket sales prior to event roll-out
  • Issue personalised invitations to key contacts across various sectors of the TFME network including chefs, food industry commentators/KOLs/VIPs, CEOs, food manufacturers/retailers/buyers, NPD food innovation contacts, and media
  • Identified additional targets for attendance at the event including key industry contacts in the fishing industry, government representatives, and dignitaries
  • Enlisted additional speakers to participate in the Future of Fish event
  • Arranged press briefings on the day of the event
  • Attended the event, liaising with journalists and priority contacts and encouraging them to share their event experiences on relevant social media platforms
  • Developed post-event press release and issued to media contacts
  • Followed up with all attending media - and those who had expressed an interest in the story but were unable to attend - to encourage resulting press and social media coverage
  • Obtained testimonials from attendees for future marketing material
  • Collated and evaluated all pre-event, on the day, and post-event coverage in a final report which included recommendations for any similar future activity


The Results



4 pieces of coverage across key titles

On the day

Sell-out event
Five media briefings
30% of event attendees shared content on the day with a combined reach of 21,727


12 great testimonials generated about the event
9 quality digital/print publications publicising the Future of Fish event
● PR value of £46,949
● Audience reach of 1,168,769 views across social media and trade publications


Mission Kitchen

The Food Marketing Experts played a key role in the success of the Tomorrow’s Table Future of Fish event hosted at Mission Kitchen, ensuring we achieved great media coverage and reached our target audience. Their efforts contributed significantly to the visibility of our event, and we appreciate their hard work and dedication
Mission Kitchen


Our Services At A Glance

  • PR
  • Event Promotion

  • Media Briefings
  • Event Attendee Co-ordination